Is the last thing you think about when you go to sleep is what you’re going to have for breakfast? And when you’re eating your breakfast are you wondering what’s for lunch? Yes? Then you’re a hungry girl like me. And hungry girls need to be prepared for any situation.
This is my list of hungry girls handbag essentials that I carry in my bag wherever I go. They’ve saved me from many a hangry* situation and from impulse junk food purchases.
1. Water
It’s easy to mistake hanger for thirst. If you’re feeling peckish, have a swig of water first before you reach for your snacks. We can never drink enough water so sip regularly throughout the day to keep hydrated. You will often find that cafes and bars will fill it up for you so there are no excuses!
2. Nibbles
Nibbles are the first thing I reach for when I start to get hungry. They keep me going when I need a little pick me up. My favourites are goldenberries (physallis) and home-roasted butternut squash seeds. These are so easy to make and means less wastage. I generally have a mix of nuts and fruit – mainly because I love fruit and am at risk of eating whole packets of it. Whilst fruit isn’t a bad snack, it can contain a lot of sugar.
3. Finger Fork
These are the best for stabbing food. You need fat fingers for these but once you’ve got them on, they give you a definite advantage over everyone else. Made of stainless steel, these are small and compact so can be easily carried in your bag, if not pockets. Good for markets as well as for train journeys – these are my tried and tested favourite implement. I got mind from drinkstuff.
4. Snack Bar
For times when nibbles just don’t cut it, a snack bar is your handbag essential. The almond Meridian bar is one of my favourites – it doesn’t contain palm oil, fills you up until your next meal is full of almonds which are just so delicious. YAY.
5. Tissues
London is a dirty place. Which places you in a dilemma when you come across food that needs you to touch it with your fingers. Such as hot dogs or ice creams. Or, you may need it as a little impromptu food blanket to soak up any spillages. They even work as good bibs. These especially occur when you head to food markets, such as Spitalfields, Borough Market etc. These are the next best thing to finger forks.
*hangry = hungry + angry. A terrible and irrational emotion that normally comes between meals or when you’re on the move and eating at odd and irregular times.
Hi Eliza, great to meet you today, albeit briefly, at the Mixed Martial Arts Academy. Hope you enjoyed your kickboxing class enough to come back again when Marc and Vanessa are around.
Looking forward to reading your newsletter.
Kind regards
Lindsey Wright
Hi Lindsay, I had so much fun today! It was absolutely brutal but such good exercise. I’m keen to going along to my next class! You can sign up to Healthy Living London here:
I’m going to head to Sainsbury’s tomorrow and check out that lunchbox – thanks for the recommendation!
Eliza x