I’d never thought of seeing a nutritionist before. Especially after a most foolish purchase of a live blood analysis through Groupon saw me holding a potato to my stomach whilst a slick looking, fast-talking man pressed against my arm and decided that ‘potatoes were ok but don’t eat too many of them.’ This was the…
life lessons
10 Things You’ll Learn After an Xtreme Bootcamp
The Xtreme Residential Bootcamp is approximately 48 hours worth of shouting, early morning starts, good food and the burning of up to 6,000 calories. It’s a whirlwind of putting trainers on, taking them off and what feels like a thousand press-ups. Yet, even if the weekend feels but a mere dream, the lessons you take…
The only quote I’ve ever needed
I would say that a quarter of my Instagram feed is consistently clogged up with quotes plastered over ‘inspirational’ pictures. Facebook is more temperamental – I’ve definitely noticed a rise in quotes in alignment with a rise in activity by certain acquaintances. As a result, I’m pretty immune to quotes. I barely read them and…