Perhaps I had a terrible childhood event. Who knows. Who cares. All that’s certain is that fireworks are rubbish.
Here’s why.
- Fireworks cost loads for a couple of seconds’ enjoyment.
- Sudden bangs make me bite my tongue.
- I hate the way the bang comes a split second after the firework explodes.
- My neck hurts from looking up.
- Fireworks are just colours – they on’t even dance. Or sing. And no, the Catherine Wheel squeal is not singing.
- Some boys once aimed fireworks at our house when I was a kid and dad called the police, convinced that bad people were shooting at us.
- It’s cold standing outside.
- It’s traditional to stand and watch. Where are the seats?! I’m thirty and too old to be standing around in muddy fields. Unless it’s a festival.
- Fireworks scare my cat.
- Fireworks scare me.
C’mon now, who agrees with me?
1. Not your money, and the same could be said for sex.
2. Wear a mouthguard
3. This is a simple law of physics….if you can’t deal with reality, then I suggest you get help.
4. Stretch your neck more.
5. Paintings are just colors…and they don’t even dance or sing!
6. Talk to your therapist about this one.
7. Come to America…we do our fireworks in the SUMMER.
8. Where is that traditional? Sit down and one is making you stand.
9. Agreed.
10. See #6.