There was a recent survey* featuring 1,000 women to mark the release of a film no one’s ever heard of (Bad Neighbours, anyone? Apparently it’s got Zac Efron and Seth Rogen in) where (shock horror) apparently 75% revealed they’d prefer their partner to have a bit of flab. It’s so long Daniel Craig, hello Colin Firth**.

Sorry, buff men but Colin Firth is considered to have a bit of podge and therefore be more attractive than Daniel Craig.
THIS ANGERS ME FOR 2 REASONS. One, good money was put into doing this useless survey and second, OF COURSE WOMEN PREFER THEIR PARTNER TO HAVE A BIT OF FLAB. In today’s day and age where Instagram is crammed full of toned women, where magazines flaunt celebrities’ finely (personal trained) svelte bodies and diet books are released every month, there’s already enough pressure for women to look good in front of other women let alone their man. Honestly, it’s a bit of a relief when your other half is a little podgy round the edges. And why? Because most women (c’mon, you know I’m right here), compare themselves to other women – whether it’s career, family life, relationship, body, fitness, number of holidays they go on, number of shoes they have, cutest dog etc and quite frankly, to have to start comparing yourself to your partner is just exhausting.
I always had a rule – never go out with anyone whose waist is smaller than mine. Ugh, whenever I broke that rule (what can I say, I was young and feckless) it made me feel horrid. I’m not by any means fat but it made me feel gigantic. You want a guy who can look after you and make you feel small.
Now don’t get me wrong, you don’t want to live in fear that you’d die in the night if your guy rolled over onto you – that’s just unhealthy. But a bit of podge is perfectly acceptable. It’s nice and comforting.
Finely muscled men are there to be looked at – not for their conversation.
What I can’t get though are the women (91%) who said they’d rather their man spent time with them than in the gym. Personally, I’d like my other half to be careful over what he ate and ensured he did exercise (which he does) yet not be too obsessed. To the 94% of you women who took this survey (who are these women who find out and even complete surveys like this?!!) you’re right – it’s boring when men talk abs all the time but it’s just as boring when women talk about it too and they exist too.
So there we have it, another survey telling us what’s common sense.
When will they start producing surveys that matter? You know, like what makes the best macaroni cheese? Pfft.
* It’s ALWAYS been Colin Firth over Daniel Craig.
** It makes me feel dirty to admit it but I discovered those findings on the Daily Mail website here.
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