I’m not sure what happened during week 03 of Beginners Ballet at City Academy but not only did everyone seem to have been zapped of all energy but we’d grown two left feet overnight. Not something that’s useful for the delicate art of ballet.
This session, Adrian was back in charge. We started at the barre and I’d forgotten just how precise he was – whereas the week before with Charlotte, technique only mattered so much, this week technique was essential.
It really struck home just how much practice goes into making ballet look ‘easy’; my respect for dancers has tripled. It’s quite a feat to remember so many things at once – to keep muscles you never knew you had tight, arms flowing and your face still. I got caught out within the first ten minutes – “CLOSE YOUR MOUTH”, Adrian barked. That must have been a beautiful sight…
I really enjoyed the barre work – the moves were simple enough for me to just about get and slow enough to enjoy them. I am keen to see what we all look like though – I have an image of the delightful phrase an old English teacher used to call us, ‘unco-ordinated gnats.’ Although they’re probably more graceful.
Moving onto the floor, we had our first go at what felt like a pirouette! Admittedly, it wasn’t a pirouette that anyone would recognize, but rather a mish mash of arms and awkward legs and unbalanced recoveries. But it was a start!
Sadly, I think most people were quite tired that night. The energy in the room was low and mistakes were being made left, right and centre.
Don’t worry though, I’ve had my porridge and my feet are ready to go! Bring on Week 04… when I aim to be more like this…
Thought of the Week
Ballet dancers are goats in disguise. That’s the only explanation for their dexterity and nimbleness.
Top Tip of the Week: Make sure you eat enough beforehand so you have energy. But not too much so that it weighs you down. You need to be light on your feet!
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