I was gleeful at our last Beginners Ballet with Adrian Arroyo; for once I wasn’t late. And when I say ‘not late’, I mean I got there with enough time to scurry into the hall and whip on my ballet shoes to be ready to start barre work before the music started. Now, I try…
Week 06 of Beginner’s Ballet at City Academy
I didn’t realise how much I missed my weekly ballet lessons until I returned to week 06 after a one week hiatus. Seriously, I was grinning from ear to ear. Unless I was concentrating, then all facial awareness went out the window. I missed Adrian’s quirkiness, I missed being amazed at my terrible posture, I…
Week 04 of Beginners Ballet at City Academy
Your core is improving. Adrian looked expectantly at me. Inwardly I puffed up gleefully but outwardly, I did that annoying self-deprecating thing that so many of us do ‘Ha, really?! I didn’t feel any different.’ It was our fourth week of Beginner’s Ballet at City Academy. So far, things felt like they were beginning to…
Week 03 of Beginners Ballet at City Academy
I’m not sure what happened during week 03 of Beginners Ballet at City Academy but not only did everyone seem to have been zapped of all energy but we’d grown two left feet overnight. Not something that’s useful for the delicate art of ballet. This session, Adrian was back in charge. We started at the…
Week 02 of Beginner’s Ballet at City Academy
I was a little concerned before I turned up to my second week of Beginners Ballet at City Academy; not only was Adrian off sick but I’d gotten rained on and a flat tyre on my bike. I was also late. However, it wasn’t all doom and gloom because not only had the ache in…
Week 01 of Beginner’s Ballet at City Academy
The thing I was most excited about? Ballet shoes and The Barre. My relationship with ballet ended promptly when I was twelve; the secondary school I moved to didn’t offer it and thinking back, I didn’t even notice that ballet was off the menu. My memories of ballet are a mix of pain (wide-pronged Kirby…