I didn’t realise how much I missed my weekly ballet lessons until I returned to week 06 after a one week hiatus. Seriously, I was grinning from ear to ear. Unless I was concentrating, then all facial awareness went out the window.
I missed Adrian’s quirkiness, I missed being amazed at my terrible posture, I missed all the half familiar yet alien French commands but most of all, I missed the feeling of not caring. You see, it’s quite unusual not to feel the pressure to do well. In City Academy’s ballet lessons with Adrian, it’s less about perfection and more about enjoyment. Yes, he cries internally at our shoddy footwork (and sometimes out loud) but more importantly, Adrian wants us to feel the music and feel the moves.
I also forgot how sweaty ballet is. Yes, it’s pretty embarrassing when after 2 minutes of light jumping people are grimacing, clutching at their legs and breathing like a snuffle-nosed pug. A 5k is easy yet ballet has me floored.

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What am I hoping for Week 07’s session? More pirouette practice! It’s fun. I’ve also set myself the challenge of letting go during the floor work. At one stage, we’re meant to go from corner to corner with a series of pas de bourree‘s and a whole bunch of other moves yet I also chicken out (when will I learn to trust in myself?!) and end up doing an impression of a 3 legged Bambi trying to escape hunters.
Thought of the Day
Smile. Even if you have no idea what you’re doing. Life is already too serious.
Top Tip of the Week
Stop comparing yourself to others and just enjoy the experience.
I am attending the Beginner’s Ballet Level 1 Course with City Academy, tutored by Adrian Arroyo. For more information, see their website.
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