I’ve realised that I’ve experimented with 3 baby changing bags since HB arrived in August 2016. For some reason, I was quite fixated on having the ‘right’ baby changing bag, after all, this was going to be an extension of myself and the little one. I didn’t want one that looked ‘babyish’ – I figured…
HB goes cold turkey on the boob
On HB’s 15th month ‘birthday’, the decision was unconsciously made to stop breast-feeding HB. It was something I’d thought about for a while, but there had never been a good enough reason to stop. If anything, certain people’s comments that I ‘should stop breast-feeding’ at around 10 months onwards only fuelled my determination to let…
Welcome Back Old Friend
On the 25th June, exactly 319 days after HB was born (or 10 months and 15 days), my period returned. I’d always known this time would arrive, especially since I’d cut down breast-feeding quite a lot. My thoughts were mixed. Not having a period (and knowing that it’s not a sign that a) you’re pregnant…
HB Eats: Baby Oat Bars Recipe
I used to make a version of these baby oat bars that were great for teething – they were hard and biscuit-like and HB could gnaw on it for AGES before they got too soft. However, HB is now in a weaning phase where he doesn’t want to be spoon-fed and sometimes, especially when I’m…
HB Eats: Sweetcorn Fritters Recipe for Babies
Baby hands love sweetcorn fritters! These are a fab way to get a bunch of veg into your child’s diet whilst at the same time supporting baby-led weaning. Little hands can also easily grasp the fritters and you can make them into different shapes too. For this recipe, the sweetcorn is roughly chopped so you…
Hungry Bear’s First Flight: Flying Longhaul with a Newborn
“Go big or go large,” that was our motto. So go big we went indeed and decided to take HB with us on husband’s work trip. To Australia. It’s no secret that the flight was my biggest worry, especially with HB having a constantly blocked nose due to his deviated septum. This is a little…