When a giant box turns up on your doorstep, it’s terribly exciting. It’s even more exciting when you realise IT’S FULL OF FOOD. Seriously, that’s more exciting for me than clothes! (sort of. If its sportswear then they’re both at the top of my ‘yay’ list.) I recently received one of Fruitdrop’s Artisan Nutribox containing approximate 50 snacks. I’ve counted and it was 50 exactly.

Just some of the healthy snacks in the Artisan Nutribox.
You can see the video I did for Healthy Living London here. You can also see Doris, the secondhand cat, trying to steal the limelight (she is such an attention seeker).
Anyway, Fruitdrop are an office delivery service which is why the box is so big (no, it’s not for greedy people like me). As their name suggests, they normally focus on fruit but have realized that people also like healthy snacks – after all, there is only much fruit one can eat (and normally by the time you get to the fruit bowl only the bits that people don’t want are left). There are 2 boxes in their Nutribox range – the Classic and the Artisan. The classic contains approximately 50 dried fruit & nut packs, fruit crisps, freeze dried fruit packets and olive packs. The Artisan is exactly the same but also contains veg crisps and energy bars. 1 box of 50 items costs £40 and £48 respectively.
It is what it says on the package – there were several varieties of fruit and nut packs (including a tropical mix and a ‘turkish delight’), Oloves olives, delicious parsnips crisps, packets of strawberries and fruit crisps too. There was also a rather interestingly named ‘Nookie’ chocolate and raisin browner bar, although the fiancé was rather disappointed when he read that it was gluten and dairy-free; in his world, chocolate is the full fat, artificially sugared stuff. I don’t think these Nutriboxes are really for him…
In my mind, the Artisan box is totally the better option. You can’t not get veggie crisps! Whether you team up with your mates to get this or you can persuade your employer to pitch in, it works well – there really is something for everyone. And if it means you can ignore that chocolate stash or the vending machine crisps, then even better.
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