There’s nothing I like more than fresh fruit and veg and high quality produce. So there’s nothing more disappointing that a box containing funky-looking (and not in a good way) bananas, bendy broccoli and tomatoes which are so squishy they could only be used in a passata. I’ve tried several fruit and veg delivery services…
Viva Strawberry: Kilner Jar Recipe
Can I just start by saying how much I love strawberries? When I was a kid I remember the best pudding we had at home was ice cream with strawberries. I’d mush them all together and eat it like soup. When I grew up, Eton Mess entered the scene and it was love at first…
Jack Link’s Beef Jerky Review
To celebrate the launch of Jack Link’s, the American snack brand, in Tesco Express stores all across the UK, they sent me a squishy envelope full of them. Now, I *think* I’ve tried beef jerky before (it was a while ago) and it wasn’t very nice; imagine eating a bit of your shoe – it…
Blend Me, Shake Me
I never realized how much I’d miss my handblender. Not until it broke. One minute it was busy whirring away, blending up my walnut pesto and the next nothing. Not even a little bzz. As is the general rule with anything electronic that breaks in my house, I left it for a few days in…
Seven Seas Perfect7 Woman: The Verdict
I’ve been taking Seven Seas Perfect7 for Women now for just under 2 months so it’s time to check on the results and compare it to when I first started. As a reminder, Perfect7 claims to support skin and nails, hair, energy, brain, vision, heart and hormonal activity. I’m hoping for elegant nails, glossy hair, a…
Custom Bars from Chocolat Chocolat: A Review
Normally at Christmas in our house, there’s a lot of chocolate flying about – from the ordinary box of Celebrations to the must-have selection box of Fererro Rocher (the normal ones are my favourite), but when Chocolat Chocolat gave me the opportunity to try out their Custom Bars, I couldn’t resist. These would make perfect…